Sunday 5 February 2012

Birmingham in black and white

Right on cue this week, snow fell. It's been an extremely mild winter so far, but like clockwork, the week of the end of January / start of February arrived and it snowed. Casting my mind back, it's snowed during this week more or less ever year since I moved to Birmingham - which is now 10 years ago.

We live on a student estate, so six inches of snow meant just one thing for our neighbours: snowball fights! Sadly then, the freshly driven snow didn't enjoy its pristine condition for long. However, down on the canal early this morning, I did manage to find myself in the middle of an extremely atmospheric scene.

Fog hung gently around the factories and gas works, as the sun struggled to push the cobwebs away. Virgin snow lay on the canal side, while sinister-looking branches formed as the ice on the water's surface began to splinter.

With each black and white photo I took, I pictured myself in bygone times. Down at this level, with the black locks and ironworks standing proud against the white of a world covered by snow, it's easy to imagine that not much has changed since the construction of this stretch of the Birmingham and Fazeley in the late 1700s.

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